This year, wearing a costume for Ykaie’s School Christmas Party wasn’t a requirement. Unlike the last two, wherein she wore a Snowgirl Costume when she was in nursery and came in as a girl Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer in Kinder.
Since this is gonna be her last Christmas Party at Red Apple Learning Center, we thought it would be more fun for her if she would also come in a costume . Besides, her other classmates would also be wearing a costume.
We never bought any of her previous costumes. The Snowgirl costume was machine-sewn by her Lola Eva and the Reindeer costume was handmade by sis. This year, it was my turn to make her a DIY Christmas Present Costume. I just thought, it’s something unique and one that you can never-ever see at the department store.
And it turned out really cute on her!
What I Used for the Costume:
The box of my Breville Juice Fountain Max, shiny red foil wrapping paper, green and red chekered ribbon, a card, scotch tape and glue gun.
First step is to cut a hole on top of the box for the head, and one on both sides for each arm. Make sure the box and the hole fits the right parts before wrapping it in gift wrapper. Secure the gift wrapper with either scotch tape of glue gun, or both..
I just watched youtube on how to make that big gift ribbon. The ribbon for her head was attached to an old headband that she will not use anymore….
Tadaa!!! We got ourselves a cool Christmas Creative Costume !