Yay! After almost a month after my tabletop fountain broke down, I found a replacement. This time, it’s battery powered and it’s cuter too!. Bought it for ₱495 at the Handyman.
feng shui
A Fountain at The Front Door
At the beginning of the year, when I blogged about my horoscope for the year and what I felt about it, I also told you that according to feng shui I should put a fountain at the front door and turn it on for at least an hour everyday to facilitate the flow of money in my life.
I told you I’m gonna do it but life has been busy and I wasn’t able to buy one and then I totally forgot about it. Today, while I was cleaning what’s left of our old shop things, I found this….
..a small fountain that is usb powered. I remember someone giving this to me as a gift but I don’t remember who.
Right now, this fountain is placed at the front door and I kept it running for more than an hour this morning. It’s pretty decorative and I like the sound of running water. It reminds me of nature and of peace….very relaxing too.