One fashion advantage that nurses, or anyone in the medical field for that matter, have nowadays is that they don’t get stuck and bored with the usual green or blue Nursing scrubs. Today, there are colorful and stylish nursing or medical uniforms available in the market which are not only beautifully tailored and durable but affordable too.
I just had an experience the other day with my dentist. My dentist doesn’t wear a uniform and only dons a white lab coat when treating her patient. The other day, I was waiting on the lobby of her clinic together with three more patients who got there ahead of me. One was an elderly and the other were a young couple.
When it was the elderly’s turn for treatment. I saw the surprise on her face when she saw the color of the shirt the dentist is wearing. “Oh my, you’re wearing red!” she exclaimed. Apparently, she is scared of the color red because it reminds her of blood and gore and what a time to see red…just before a dental treatment…hee.
Well, I have no problem with the color but I also think it would be best to wear scrub tops and Scrub pants in cool colors such as pink, light blue, mint green and beige. Or wear one with printed designs.
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