Did I tell you I have a new phone? Well, I do and I wanted this since it went out in the market. I don’t know why.
I’m not a techie person and peanutbutter♥ can tell you that. This replaced a blue Z610i which I’ve had for about four years now and is threatening to quit its job of becoming my personal assistant. So before my old phone retires, peanutbutter♥ made sure I get a better, cuter replacement which can do most of the things I love.
One of them is watching movies and tv series. A phone with bigger screen certainly did the trick. Now I can take my series and movies wherever I go. What’s really nice is that peanutbutter♥ also bought a blue tooth earphone for me and this little speaker. That was really touching. I wouldn’t have known they existed if not for him..LOL!
Ykaie loved this feature as well. She can now take Spongebob Squarepants anywhere!
Now all we need is a bigger mem card…