I decided to divide our Zoobic Safari adventure into a series of posts because I wanna share with you all the wonderful things that we experienced there and it would be too long to put it in a single post.

There are lots of animals to see inside the zoo/park. Some are tame, some are wild and some are exotic….like this monkey in the picture above…–just kidding!! That’s ykaie, of course.

Anyway, some animals are there for you to see, like the Albino Cows in the picture above which we saw being walked {Do cows need walking?,hee}, and the donkeys.

Some animals, like the Deers can be fed. Just scoop up some dry leaves which are scattered around the “forest” and give it to the deer. They will go to you and eat the leaves you’re offering.

The same goes with the cute Camels. You won’t hear them complaining if you feed them dried leaves.

But the Bearcats, Oh those cuddly-looking furballs. They love Saba Banana/Cardaba Banana.! A Zoobic safari staff is selling two slices for 10 which he skewers into a looong stick.

This is me and my big arm..LOLz. I’m feeding the bearcats with what they love… I just wished I didn’t have to pose that way..hahaha.

It was fun and I’m glad ykaie experienced interacting