I’m still a little dizzy and a little confused. I just got back from two consecutive trips but just to give you an idea on why I’m on blog hiatus since the 24th: peanutbutter♥ is home! Yay!!
Together with my PIL, ykaie and I fetched peanutbutter♥ from the airport at around 5pm. It was the first time after more than a year of working abroad that Ykaie saw her daddy in person again. She was a bit shy at first but warmed up after a few minutes, specially when her daddy handed her a toy.

My SIL, ate Arlene and peanutbutter♥ came home together. We drove straight to Dampa for dinner.

Dampa is a place wherein there’s a Wet Market (“palengke”) where you can buy fresh seafoods and meat. There are lots of different restaurants lined-up directly across the wet market. You will then choose the restaurant where you would like the seafoods that you bought to be cooked. You just tell the waiters what dishes you want and they care of the ingredients.
It was a little hard choosing a restaurant because there are a lot! One of them even had a dancer out front to stand out. I think a Pop up booth is also a nice strategy if they want to stand out from the rest.

There were still lots of stories to tell but we immediately went home after dinner to get ready for our Tagaytay trip the next day.
Saving up all the stories for later…