Most people would like to stay fit and be in better shape. Not everyone who wants this is willing to do the work. It is not easy to stay motivated, especially once you have let yourself get out of shape. You can do it! The top 10 ways to stay fit, can help motivate you and get you started on the path to a healthier lifestyle and a better body shape.

Ten ways to stay fit:

1. Make up your mind that you are going to get into better shape.

2. Think realistically of how much weight you want to lose.

3. Get moving. Doing anything is better than doing nothing. If you are very out of shape, walk to the end of your street and back, do this every day until it gets easier for you. Then keep walking for longer periods of time. Use the elevator instead of the stairs.

4. Instead of rewarding yourself with food, save that money and put it aside, once you find out how much is a tummy tuck, you can save that money to help pay for that.
5. Eat what you love, but eat smaller portions so you don’t feel deprived. You will soon begin to see the weight coming off.

6. Look at tummy tuck in New York information every once in a while. Fantasizing how you would look like after losing weight helps.

7. Find a workout program that you enjoy, or programs, mix it up if you often get bored, some people who hate to exercise, have found that they like to dance, if that is you, get a dance workout. You can even find some for belly dancing, as well as many other forms of dance. Dance a few days a week, do yoga or Pilates on different days. This way you don’t get bored.

8. Don’t eat after a certain time each night, 5:00 or 6:00 should be the stop time for eating.

9. Take an after dinner walk or bike ride to burn up some of those calories from dinner.

10. Don’t beat yourself up if you fall off and eat what you shouldn’t or have a lazy day, tomorrow is a new chance to start over.