With all the things to do and the Christmas rush, I find my mind drawing a blank on the things I want to write. I mean, sure, when I’m not in front of the computer, all the things that I want to share comes to me in an instant but the moment I sit down –I find myself staring at the screen with nothing to say.

Hmmmnnn…Just what do I wanna say in this sunny Saturday morning of December?

Let me start with something that I’ve keeping in my chest for quite sometime now.

Saying goodbye to this business that I’ve been doing for almost five years now…

Yup. Ykaie’s Internet Café has arrived to the end of it’s journey. It is sad but we have to move on because it just isn’t working anymore.

It’s just that I tend to get attached to things a lot and I’m having a bit of a difficult time dealing…

No more coffee and clover chips night, huh?

I’m gonna miss my regular customers and I’m gonna miss the kids who calls me ate peachy….

On the other hand, good thing I’m not gonna have to deal with those pesky little monsters who hides and tries to play pellet gun inside the shop…nor those who are watching porn when I’m not looking.

I’m gonna miss those tambay nights on that wooden bench just outside my shop window…

I told myself I’m gonna give this being a WAHM thing a try for six months and then if it doesn’t work then I’m gonna move on again. Having all this time and the whole day in my hands is a bit overwhelming, though. It’s becoming one of my challenges because I want to be as productive as I can.

I guess this is a formal goodbye, then. {Just so I can have some form of closure..hee}

Goodbye Ykaie’s Internet Café! You will, most certainly, be missed.