It’s 29 days before peanutbutter♥ comes home and our reservation for Tagaytay and cebu is already booked. I couldn’t be more excited!
However, I’m still browsing upon groupon sites hoping to find another deal that is both worth the time and money. After all, peanutbutter♥‘s only gonna be here for a month.
I chanced upon this old deal for Paris last year. Paris is one of my dream destination and if I win the lottery, I will make my way over there…. see the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre, and maybe occupy one of those paris luxury rentals for a week–or heck, a month!
That would’ve been a dream come true!
Now, excuse me, while I go to the nearest lotto outlet.
Tetcha Figuerres says
I’m sure Paris is one of the places that most people would like to visit because it’s the most romantic city in the world.
KayeF says
I’m dreaming to celebrate my birthday in Paris. Oh, if only I have enough travel fund, I will visit this place with my family.
Ane says
Wow, even on a discounted price, it’s still quite expensive!
Paris is definitely on my to-go list as well, I would love to visit the Louvre and see the wonderful artworks I’ve seen so many times only in movies. 😛
Here’s to going to Paris one day! 🙂