Ackkk! Just a quick post because 2015 is ending and I’m still up to my neck in backlogs.  You see, what I’m sharing here are some of Twinkle’s three month old photos and a couple of Ykaie’s OOTD.

The photo above was when we attended a Christening of a family friend’s son and sis was one of the godmothers.

Twinkle was in a bee OOTD at the time and she looked so cute! Photo was taken at the reception…heehee.

Want some fish fillet, Twinkle?

LOL! You know how much we love taking photos of twinkle with food. Here’s Twinkle with a french fry.

This is also the time Twinkle learned how to hold one of her Elmo toys.

Time is flying too fast. Ykaie is beginning to be a dalaginding and is more into dresses now than pants. She really is unlike me when I was young.