When I was growing up, my favorite ride was The Bump Car. Ykaie’s favorite is the Carousel. I think every kid loves riding the carousel. It takes them to some magical place.

♥carousel ride with mommy♥

♥carousel ride with daddy♥

…her latest Carousel ride…all by herself….
7 Responses
nakita ko na naman si cute baby.smiling face talaga sa mga photos.
she is so happy riding the rides with Daddy's help…such a cute girl 🙂
carousel is a definite favorite! 😀 thanks for joining us this week!
talgang number one choice ang carousel.
by the way my entry is here and here
please also leave your comment here for my son's birthday wish.
cute baby girl… i want you to meet my prince…
http: //myprincecoi.blogspot.com
http: //emotera-momikoito.blogspot.com
http: //th-techie.blogspot.com
Your pretty little girl is definitely enjoying her carousel ride. Pati si Daddy at Mommy ata eh!
first ever ride ni ANzu, carousel.. so cute talaga ni Ykaie.. i miss her… tagal ko kasi di nakadalaw sa page nyo. Busybee kasi.. miss u din