Hmmmmnnn… I think hate is a pretty strong word and I try not to dwell on it too much or it will give me a heart attack. But with regards to the music or song that I hate….. I don’t really think I have one except for the loud music and videoke songs our neighbors play at night until around 3am.
I would’ve loved it if they have nice voices but they don’t. They torture my ears!
Now, I think I’m confused maybe I just hate my neighbors because of what they do and not the music itself.
an entry for .Happy Thursday.
9 Responses
what kind of music…i think you will appreciate a good acoustic songs….
haha! what you hate are videoke singers, not songs, especially when they are drunk! The song My Way has cost a lot of lives already.
This is my hated song.
happy GT!
LOL! I’d hate to have neighbours like yours.
Happy GT!
maybe MY Way… hahahah… got same problem too here…dropping by for GT sis..
I think you just hated your neighbors for what they do – – til 3am. Oh my?! I would really hate them too! hahahah!
Here’s mine:
yan talaga nakakainis… mga inconsiderate ang mga taga baranggay! hehe… nakakabulahaw na, sige pa!
same here, girl! sa tapat pa ng house.. at bumibirit pa ng Total Eclipse of the Heart. Kainis di ba?
just like what i always say when we’re at my MIL’s. the neighbors there are not only nosy, they have the worst singing voices on earth. and like your neighbors, they like to think that we love to hear them sing until the wee hours. stupid neighbors. LOL
happy GT!
Mine is done sa wakas! So late Care to peek?
My GT Music that I Hate